Single Bill Deduction
The Need – Many organization payroll teams are now only available to employees on a limited basis during a work week. Some are only open a few days or even just a few hours.
The Challenge – In an effort to provide the best selection of benefits to employees and their families, brokers and consultants find themselves challenged to limit the number of vendors they offer.
Single Direct Deduction
The Need – In some instances, the ability to provide a payroll deduction for benefits isn’t an option. The ability to collect premiums via an employee's bank account or credit card is crucial.
The Challenge – Both organizations and brokers are challenged to find a suitable solution to provide options to groups that do not have access to a payroll deduction.
Carrier Bill Pay
The Need – The ability to provide a streamlined and clear billing solution is important for an insurance company to collect funds due.
The Challenge – Offering a tool that offers current options for payment and also billing updates is important in a fast-paced and competitive world of employee benefits.